Frequently Asked Questions

Clohessy Cakes is situated in Ballynacally, Co. Clare.

As soon as you know your event date really.  I have limited availability.  I don’t take bookings further out than 6 months at present.  Enquiries are always welcome, but bookings are only secure once a deposit has been paid.

This depends on a few factors, send me your guest number and I will assist you further.

Sponge is best eaten within two days but will hold up to four days of baking. Biscuit cake lasts much longer – up to two weeks.

I love receiving inspiration images as it gives me great insight into your vision, and while I love to take inspiration on board, I won’t offer an exact copy. I much prefer to put my own stamp on a design, and offer a unique creation individual to you.

Delivery is recommended on all wedding cakes of 3+ tiers. Delivery fees are calculated on distance to the venue and time involved in set up.

Yes. I’m registered with the HSE and operate in compliance with HACCP principles. I have completed the relevant courses in food safety also. 

Yes. Clohessy Cakes is fully insured.
